On Becoming a Cripple

I wasn’t born a cripple. It was a gift of aging.

I am a cripple like Tiny Tim is. He used crutches and a device to help him stand. I use a walker. I assume he needed this special device because he had no balance. I also have no balance. I must always, no matter what I am doing, hold on to something. His condition, Dickens implies, is due to poverty and poor nutrition. The exact reason for my situation, I do not know. Is it weak muscles, weak bones. My doctors never said.

First, an aside. Some people will object to my use of the word “cripple”. They prefer “handicapped” or “disabled”. Others may object because I am far less incapacitated than they are. I say each person can choose the term she prefers.

I started to use a cane about 17 years ago. I remember because I used it for the first time when I visited my granddaughter Hannah’s pre-school and she is now 20 years old . My first symptom was very peculiar. When I walked, I had to stop fairly frequently. My ability to walk just seemed to lock up. I could not take another step until I stopped for a minute or so. The diagnosis was stenosis of the spine. All kinds of treatments followed: physical therapy, epidural injections.One of my physicians taught me a little trick. When my ability to walk locked up, “ crouch slightly down,” he said. Sure enough this seemed to open up the spine so it was not leaning on the nerves and I could continue walking. But I had to do this quite frequently.

Then one day I woke with a truly horrible back pain. I could not lie down on the mattress again. I started sleeping in an armchair and eventually bought a recliner and slept in that. Time to see a surgeon. I had started to use a walker a short while before the surgery. The surgery was a complete success. I was totally pain free. I told the surgeon that my objective now was to get rid of the walker. He said something like “ Oh,we’re going to get you a snazzy walker…” I replied, “Thanks a lot.” In rehab, I repeated that my objective was to get rid of the walker. The therapist did not say anything but I could tell that she thought that would not happen.

My doctors never explained why I had to graduate from a cane to a walker. What had deteriorated, nerves, bones, muscles? Perhaps it was an unholy trio. My ophthalmologist gave me the best answer. “Perhaps they don’t know.”

So here I am. I now consider myself a member of a new community. But no one can really understand another’s life. I don’t claim to know what people with other handicaps experience. This is why I am writing this. To explain to my friends and others who might be interested just what my life is like.

First I want to say how grateful I am to those who fought to get the Americans with Disabilities Act passed. This is a very wide ranging law dealing mostly with employment discrimination but it includes a section on public accommodations. Where would I be without sidewalks that were pared down so I could easily cross a street, or get in and out of stores, movies, restaurants, etc. Or without public bathrooms that have bars to hold on to.

I feel I have used up my quota of falls. Fortunately these were all in my apartment and not outdoors unto concrete. So, much of my life revolves around avoiding more falls. Let’s take the shower for example. For some reason, the shower was always a place of creativity for me. This is where I seemed to get ideas and sometimes write whole articles in my head. No more. I must reign in my wandering mind. Concentrating on the task at hand is essential. Look where you move your feet, not unto the slippery metal drain. Remember, I must always hold on to something, so I have just one hand to do all the work. No more lingering an extra moment under the relaxing water. I have to organize my washing and get out as soon as possible. I no longer wash my hair in the shower. A boon for hairdressers.

When I walk, I force myself to keep my eyes on the ground. I need to see every crack in the sidewalk, every little hole. If someone comes along and says “hello”, I have to remember to stop before I look up to see was talking. If I don’t look up I, of course, will appear to be very rude.

At home, I have to forget about efficiency. It will take several trips to move clothes out of the dryer to the bed where I usually fold them and several more to hang clothes in the closet. The closet is actually one of the more scary places to be. Using just one arm, it is not so easy to hang things away. Holding on to something is problematic. Shelves are notoriously unreliable.

To be a successful cripple you have to be inventive and flexible. But small ideas that make your life easier don’t always come quickly. It took me quite a long time to figure out how to get the heel of my stocking on the heel of my foot.

My relationship with people is the most important and interesting part of my life. On the whole, people have been incredibly kind. Almost all even go out of their way to be helpful.

I remember only once did a woman mutter under her breath because I was in her way. Being handicapped is also a test of friendship. When I lived in New Jersey I was very fortunate to have a group of friends willing to pick me up to go out to lunch or dinner. These good people had to put my walker in when they picked me up, take it out when we arrived at our destination, put it again when we were ready to leave and take it out once more when we arrived at my house. Obviously this is a pain. In Amherst, my daughter often takes on this job. And I have access to vans, courtesy of the complex where I live. But in spite of friendly public accommodations, when I do go to a restaurant, I seldom see another handicapped person there. Yes, we cripples do go out, but it appears, not that much.

One other interesting aspect about people has to do with natural abilities. As we all know, we all have different talents and so it is with peoples’ natural instincts as to what to do when they are around me. Among my closest friends, there are a few who always know how to give me a hand and others who look helpless and don’t have a clue. A cripple has to learn to overcome her reluctance to ask for help and tell people what she needs.

For me, time is my biggest problem. I have to confess that when I was small, my report card was often marked “tardy” which is an old-fashioned way of saying “late.” Later, still having a tendency to rush out at the last minute, I would say I have a “deadline personality.” I don’t get going until I am close to my deadline. But realizing full well that people did not appreciate my appearing a few minutes late, I struggled to change my habits. Now I cannot rush, which means I have to plan very carefully to get anywhere on time and I do not always succeed. I often wonder how much longer does it takes me to do anything than other people my age, twice as long? Three times as long?

I have always remembered a little boy I saw, about six-years old, in a wheel chair laughing his head off watching kids fool around in the pool. It was a poignant scene. “Bless him,” I said to myself. “If this is his true personality, he will be O.K.” I have adjusted quite well to my situation. I view my problems as inconveniences. Sometimes it takes a lot of patience to live with inconveniences. To be satisfied while handicapped I think you need certain conditions, contacts with people being most important. In that respect, I am very fortunate. I have a husband, good children, loyal friends. I also have some access to transportation. Who could ask for anything more?

11 comments on “On Becoming a Cripple

  1. Glad you have a sense of humor and many friends and interests…But this sounds hard and frustrating! Life, eh? Please take good care…As someone who also “writes” articles while showering, I empathize….

  2. Marilyn K. Bigelow

    May 1, 2017 at 1:30 pm Reply

    Very invigorating! I am about to resort to a cane when I venture outside. I now hang on to railings. Yours is a valuable account for elders and anyone else. I learned much about human contacts, healthy and appalling, in cancer wards, but one piece of advice has helped a lot: If one catches the eye of someone obviously afflicted, just smile, gently.

  3. Dear Sue – Having seen you struggle on the NJ stairs, and laugh over love for wilted lettuce… I think walking with a walker is not going to stop you from appreciating the richness of your life. I understand your feeling
    of frustration – and your wonderful way of presenting the ever changing present. love you – Helen

  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, Suzanne. Whether the changes are subtle or not so subtle, we all end up adapting to bodily changes as we age. And you’re right, having a good support system is so important. Glad each day still brings joy and gratitude.

  5. Tobi Sznajderman

    May 5, 2017 at 8:24 pm Reply

    A very powerful piece of writing. I felt more what it is like to be in your shoes. I also appreciate your pragmatic attitude and your appreciation of all that you have.

  6. Judith A. Molner

    May 6, 2017 at 3:54 pm Reply

    This is an excellent piece of writing, and I so appreciate having read it. I had three “falls” this past year, two of them fairly serious, and for the first time, I discovered what it is like to have to be more mindful in the way I walk and move. Of course there are pros and cons to this new way of being in the world. But your article reminds me that having a positive attitude is everything. And remembering our blessings- family and friends. Thank you!

  7. Leigh Hallingby

    May 7, 2017 at 6:54 pm Reply

    This is a powerful and moving piece of writing, Sue. Thanks so much for your candor and also for your sense of proportion about where these challenges of being crippled fit into the rest of your life. I am sorry that older age has to be so physically difficult for you.

  8. Nancy Shneiderman

    May 21, 2017 at 4:46 pm Reply

    Dear Sue,
    I loved your piece. Loved it for you and also related to it y situation. I’ve had 2 knee replacements followed by a broken knee cap. As a result I’m often on a cane. Holding
    on is de rigeur! Appropriately placed hold bars in the shower make lingering luxuriously
    still a possibility. Many hugs and good wishes for your new life.

  9. I “enjoyed” your article on the transfer of your freedom to a walker! I too, suffer from the same back problems. I have until recently, relied upon a cane, finding folks very helpful in opening doors for me-my biggest challenge. However, the balance issue is becoming more and more of a problem. My husband bought a walker for me to use when we go to museums, and now, I like it more and more. The grocery carts at the Big Y and CVS are also a great discovery!
    Continued venture forward on your walker! Hope to meet you soon on mine! Honore

  10. Doris Baran Hirsch

    March 30, 2020 at 9:48 am Reply

    It has taken the Corona Virus for me to finally read your blog. Now being “stuck” home, but not using a walker certainly reminds me of limitations. I’m probably the friend that stood back without helping, much. However, you know I’m always there for you & you for me. Please keep writing your blogs. I will keep reading……Love ya’

  11. Rebecca Witt Sillam

    August 21, 2021 at 9:35 pm Reply

    Dear Suzanne!
    Your writing and your attitude are so inspiring! Yes, it sounds very difficult, but you are a strong woman and have already found ways to enjoy your new stage in life and to keep enjoying as many of your other activities as you can. Please keep writing! A pleasure to read!
    Love, Rebecca Witt Sillam (Elaine’s sister)

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